My Soulmates

There’s nothing like good girlfriends.

I enjoy hanging out with guys too, but there are just certain things you need your girlfriends for…like to talk about those guys.

Or to call at 3 a.m. when you can’t turn your mind off about the latest stressful thing, and they will pause whatever they’re doing (including their sleep) to answer the phone. They’re also great drinking buddies. I mean who else can I take tequila shots with one night, and have a classy glass of wine the next? Guys don’t really do that, at least the ones I know.

Your girlfriends definitely won’t judge you if you’re rocking a onesie and last nights make-up, because they’re probably doing the same. They also seem to always know exactly what your thinking and know exactly what to say for every situation.

Honestly one of my favourite parts about being a girl is how quickly the conversation can change. One minute we’re talking about hair, nails and “oh my god, that guy is definitely into you!” The next we’re discussing world events, feminism and our very serious futures.

Women are badass! This is why we need girlfriends, to share in all of our kick-ass traits! And because yes, I would like to watch that chick flick starring Channing Tatum and I would like to discuss how Leonardo DiCaprio is actually in love me and he just doesn’t know it yet. Let’s be real, no man is going to sit through that conversation with me.

Girlfriends make you laugh the hardest but still know how to share a sentimental moment.

They’ve held you at your worst and cheered the loudest at your best.

One day, I’ll meet a man and he’ll be the love of my life. But my girls…we’re soulmates.


For Marilyn

I should have written this months ago, but it was just too painful then. So, today I honour my grandmother.

It’s funny, I look back on my life and all the people I’ve met, and I know I’ve made some enemies. I consider myself a good person, but not everyone in life is going to see you that way.

And then there’s my Gramma.

Marilyn Jean Richardson was the most perfect human being I’ve ever met. In the days leading up to her passing, we discovered something amazing; we couldn’t recall one person who has said a bad word about her. Everyone adored her; she was your stereotypical sweet old lady with the biggest heart. Although I’m willing to bet that anyone you can imagine is still not as wonderful as my Gramma.

I love her so much.

And I know she loved her family just as much. Her children and grandchildren were her whole life. She loved nothing more than to sit and talk to each and every one of us about the updates in our lives, making you feel like the most important person in the world in that moment. And she always made sure we knew how proud she was of us. For that I will be forever thankful.

I loved the way she always had jujubes at the top of the fridge waiting for us. I loved the way she always remembered to call and sing “Happy Birthday” no matter how old we got. I loved her relationship with my grandfather, and the way they still looked at each other like teenagers deeply in love. I loved her warm smile, I loved her advice, I loved it all.

Our thing was always our birthdays. Gramma was born on June 10th and I was the 13th. She was my birthday buddy and there was always that one week in June that was dedicated to us. I’m not sure I’m ready for this first year without her; it will never be the same.

It’s damn near impossible to summarize Marilyn Richardson into a blog, especially when she deserves so much more. But this is what I can give. I miss her more than my words can express and I deeply regret not spending more time with her.

I love you Gramma.

I miss you.

And I’ll never forget you.

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It’s Been a While…

Holy moly a lot has happened since I’ve fallen off the face of this blog.

My head has been spinning with all of the new developments (both good and bad). I’m not sure I know where to begin.

Well, I officially graduated college with honours (YAY!). That’s right you’re looking at a regular, bonafide adult. Holy fucking shit. It was a rough road but I somehow made it out of college relatively unscathed.

Adding to the adulthood is my new full-time job. I’m working at a tiny non-profit in Toronto called Colon Cancer Canada as the Executive Coordinator & Social Media. The title makes me sound more important than I actually am, but I’m making a salary now and I get benefits so I really can’t complain.

Of course with the good comes the bad…and no one saw this bad coming. Unfortunately, on October 15, 2014, I lost one of my favourite people in the world, my grandmother. She was sick for a while, but no one ever did figure out what was wrong. One minute she was going into rehab to get walking again, the next minute she had less than a week to live. Losing her was damn near impossible and I miss her everyday. She deserves her own blog though…I’ll talk about her another day when she can properly be remembered.

Naturally, this past Christmas was a difficult one, but it did come with some good news. As many people know, my biggest goal in life is to work in mental health and help teens and young adults understand their mental health. I can’t really do that with only a Public Relations degree though, so I started taking some new courses. Currently I take classes online through Northern College for the Child & Adolescent Mental Health certificate program. It’s a lot of work doing classes and working full time, but I’m in love with the program and incredibly excited for the future.

ALSO! I got a tattoo!! My parents hate everything about it, but I adore it. It’s a quote on my left shoulder that says ‘there’s no place like home’ with some poppies. Perfect for the OZ fan in me.

Still not dating anyone though…because I know that’s what most people seem to care about with me. Well…at least my mother does.