I Heart Hollywood

i heart hollywood


Well my friends, spring is in the air and I am finally back on track with my reading list.

Once again, the fabulous Lindsey Kelk has stolen my heart (heh…get it?) with the second book in her ‘I heart’ series. I heart Hollywood has all the humour and charm of the first novel, just way more celebrity and even more fashion to drool over (but never on).

In New York, we watched as Angela dumped her ass-hat of a boyfriend, got a makeover that could have only been provided by the Big Apple and date not one, but TWO gorgeous guys…only to find love with the better of the two in the end. Wrap it all up with her lovely job at a magazine and Miss Clark was nothing short of a Manhattan Cinderella.

So, what could go wrong in LA? Well, despite the makeover, Angela is still Angela and therefore we couldn’t expect a worry-free working vacation where she interviews fellow Brit and MEGA celebrity James Jacobs, could we? Leaving her boyfriend behind in the big city for a week, Angela and best friend (and fashionista extraordinaire) Jenny Lopez set out to to the place where fame and fortune is born. Unfortunately, Angela gets stuck in more than a few sticky situations with her celeb, and what proceeds is a drama-filled, roller-coaster ride of hilarity that can only be pulled off by Angela Clark and her Marc Jacobs bag.

Of course I loved every second of this book, instead of dreaming of New York I was dreaming of Hollywood and what I wouldn’t give to take a little stroll down Rodeo Drive (and maybe max out my credit card). I gotta hand it to Kelk, she makes sure she KNOWS a city before she writes about one. I could all but feel the LA breeze on my face while reading this book. She gets it spot on every time and it makes it that much better of a read. Yes we’re reading about Angela, but we’re also reading about her journey, and it would be an injustice to not have the perfect backdrop for our all-but-perfect heroine.

This one was a lot more fun than the first one, and a LOT more surreal. Just the idea of being swept away by a handsome movie star is too much for me, but Kelk pulls it off in another flawless book. Of course I’m thrilled with the ending of Alex and Angie finally saying the L word to each other…AND IN THE MOST ADORABLE WAY!! These two make me swoon…seriously can Lindsey Kelk write my life? Or maybe I can just get Jenny Lopez to style me…yeah a good outfit makes everything better.

Curiosity Killed the Cat…

Cats are fascinated by anything and everything.

It is simultaneously adorable and hilarious as they try to make sense of the objects in front of them. My cats are no exception. Over the last couple of months I’ve captured some photos of my feline friends discovering some objects for, what appears to be, the first time. I adore my boys…but I had to share with you all their cute stupidity. In my mind, it just makes them extra loveable.

Exhibit A: A Scented Candle

Of course I don’t let my kitty get to close to the flame, but his pure fascination with the scent was nothing short of adorable. I carefully brought the candle so that it was in front of him, but far enough away that he wouldn’t be hurt. What followed was a parade of sniffs and meows as my (giant) baby had a Little Mermaid moment and asked himself, “what’s a fire and why does it, what’s the word, burn?”

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The progression of Patch’s discovery of the candle.

Exhibit B: A Blanket

Oh the blanket. What a fascinating object! You can lay on it, go under it, make a bed out of it! You can smack it when it moves and even chew on the corners! Yes my friends, I’ve had plenty of blankets experience quite a bit of abuse over the years and I’m sure they will remain endlessly entertaining to my kitties. Just the other day I found one cat completely under a blanket and the other one on top of it. Yes…they’re geniuses.

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Newts decided to paw his way under the blanket while Patch observed the lump as an interesting specimen.

Exhibit C: Photos

I found this one to be incredibly interesting. I have my closet doors covered floor to ceiling in pictures of me and my friends and family. It’s been that way for almost three years now…and yet just a few months ago, one of my cats just FINALLY seemed to clue in. I looked over one day to find him sitting on my desk, staring at the photos on my doors. Not only did he look completely overwhelmed and confused, he was also consistently meowing at the photos. Poor guy…he just didn’t know how to handle it all. I gotta hand it to him…it’s definitely overwhelming.

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There’s just…so many…photos!!!

Exhibit D: Hats and Clothing

Note to cats…my laundry is NOT your bed. I get it, it’s soft, it’s comfortable, and it’s just sitting there waiting for you to curl up on, but c’mon guys I just washed that! Now it’s all hairy and…oh forget it, do what you want you little cuties! And might I say I’ve never seen a cat pull off a hat quite the way my boys do. WORK IT GUYS! Perhaps they’re preparing to hit the…catwalk!?! *snickers*

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OK, admittedly I put the hat on him…BUT LOOK HOW CUTE!!!

Exhibit E: Laptops and Computers

Listen, this has potential to be really impressive…if only they understood that the laptop is meant for productivity and not meant to be a scratching post. My dad has his office set up in the basement and you can bet that EVERY SINGLE DAY the cats will walk up to his laptop, sniff, stare, and proceed to rub their faces on the side of the screen until the laptop nearly falls of the desk. I mean, you’d think it would have lost its appeal by now…surely the daily scratching gets old? Nope! Not to my babies! Are they adorable? Yes. Are they stupid? Hell yes!

Sneaky guys…I can never catch them with a picture for this one!

Bonus: The general weird positions and faces of my darling kitties

Simply because they’re adorable freaks…I will add these for pure hilarity purposes. Enjoy!

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The Graduate

The House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert

I’ve been feeling pretty sentimental today since it was my last day of classes today. Yes, you’re looking at a college graduate! But, it has got me thinking about how everything is about to change and I’m about to leave my little town. With that, I leave you with Miranda Lambert to remind everyone to remember where they came from.



Let’s Get Real

Can we talk about my body for a second?

I recently read an amazing article by Kristen Hedges called Hey, Not All Real Women Have Curves (take a second and check it out if you can) and it got me thinking…damn, this girl’s right!

In the article, Hedges describes her body type, and I share pretty much everything in common with her body. There are things I like and don’t like about my body, but overall I love myself…yes, even my tiny boobs.

As a society, we’ve been told for a long time that ‘thin is in’ and everything else suffers in comparison. Like Hedges, I’m thrilled to see a turnaround in this view these days with more body types being represented in the media. But when it’s happening at my body’s expense…that’s when I have a problem.

Why do we always have to dislike one body form over another? Why isn’t EVERYONE beautiful!? Body shaming is wrong no matter what. Plain and simple. Showing images like this…


is just as bad as saying the reverse. Yeah, real women have curves, real women also don’t have curves. There’s no reason both women can’t be beautiful. This needs to stop.

Stop telling me I’m not beautiful.

Stop telling me I’m not real.

Stop the hate.

Stop the body bashing.

Stop favouring one body type over another.

We’re ALL beautiful…I won’t be told otherwise. And as Hedges so eloquently put it, “The [body] you have is lovely. And, you are absolutely, 100% real.”

Me, my very real body, and my very awesome Save Ferris! shirt. :)

Me, my very real body, and my very awesome Save Ferris! shirt. 🙂

School’s Out Forever!

Well ladies and gents, my years of schooling are coming to a close.

How the hell did that happen? Didn’t I just start college? No, wait…didn’t I just start high school!?! I can’t believe I’m already going through my goodbyes. Some are bittersweet…some are a sigh of relief.

Last night was my last night with my non-profit placement at the Heart and Stroke Foundation and in three weeks time I’ll be starting my corporate placement at Toronto Botanical Gardens. After that, that’s it! I’ll actually be finished school…wow. It’s a weird feeling for me honestly, I didn’t think it would feel this way. Then again, I never imagined actually getting to this stage.

I’ve always been an academic. School was my thing, I was a rockstar at school. I did everything I was supposed to do, I created my high school newspaper, I was selected for special projects and I won awards. I didn’t really have any major hobbies or pass-times because school was my hobby. I even stayed inside during recess to finish projects or help the teachers. Seriously, I was a nerd. I technically still am, I’m just much more social.

It’s really hard to believe this portion of my life is over. It’s easy when you know what you’re good at, unfortunately the thing I’m good at is over next Thursday. I know I can’t stay in school forever and deep down I know I can really do well in this field, it’s just terrifying. Graduating means so much more than finishing school, it means moving out on my own, getting a real job, finally taking hold of my responsibilities as an adult…it’s a lot to get thrown on a 20-year-old.

That being said, I’m looking forward to my future. Good things are really coming up for me and I’m very excited about what I’m seeing. Just as everything is ending, everything is also coming together. This is going to be a summer of big changes for me. New life…here I come!

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From first year to my last year of college. It’s been quite the ride.

My First Job: Lessons From the Library

Every once in a while, we get thrown a curve ball.

Sometimes life throws things at you that you would never expect to have a large effect on your life. For me, my first part-time job was supposed to be nothing more than just that, a part-time job. I was looking for work at an old library, I got a lifetime of lessons I’ll never forget.

Here are 10 things that the library taught me.

1. Make an effort to include yourself. I was so painfully shy my first year that I really didn’t talk to anyone on break. I would sit in the room with them and be completely silent. I later learned that a lot of people thought I was stuck-up because I didn’t interact with anyone, when the truth was I was just SO petrified to talk. Of course I opened up eventually and the good news is people liked me (well, at least I think so)! Need an easy way to get over shyness? Getting a job is an awesome way to do that!

2. Get the hard lessons out of the way early. Being that the library was my first job I had a lot to learn when it came to workplace etiquette. I didn’t know calling in sick too much (even if you are genuinely sick) was a bad thing. I didn’t know that telling someone on the phone that I was a student was a mistake. I didn’t know having friends visit you at work could lead to consequences. I eventually learned all these things, because that’s part of what a first job is for. You live and you learn, not just from your own mistakes but from other’s as well. Mistakes are natural, and they will happen, just make sure it only happens once and you’ll be fine. Trust me, I didn’t need to be told twice! And now I’ve been told I have excellent workplace etiquette!


The ladies of the library! Marie, Alex, Kelsey, Me and Carly.

3. Not everyone will give you the benefit of the doubt. This stands for patrons and colleagues alike. I can’t tell you how often I was accused of something I didn’t do, and had to explain myself over and over to my boss. I can’t say I was perfect, I definitely made the odd error. But I knew the difference between when I had and hadn’t done something wrong. There were also plenty of patrons who expected me to know things that I simply wasn’t trained to know because there were other departments who held that knowledge. It’s frustrating when they get angry at you because they simply assume you are incompetent. For the first little while at the library I let these things get to me. I eventually learned that you can’t please everybody and all you can do is your best. It’s hard to let some of these things just roll off your shoulders, but in the end sometimes it’s just not worth the fight.

4. Nothing’s perfect, no matter how hard you try. It never mattered how much I attempted to straighten out the books on the shelves or stare at all the spines to make sure everything was in perfect order…something was always off. Eventually, I learned that with real life too. I was a planner, I knew every detail of my not-yet-lived life, and it was “perfect.” Naturally when my plan inevitably fell apart I had no idea what to do. I suddenly realized that I couldn’t put everything in it’s place, especially before I’d even reached that stage of my life. Whether it was books or my “perfect” plan, I was never going to be able to get things just so. I had to learn to roll with the punches.

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Our fabulous bar night. Years later and still kickin’ it! Carly, Marie, Taylor and I.

5. Being observant is key. Learning who the regulars are, who to look out for, who usually needs help, it all pays off. I worked in the depths of downtown…not what you would call a nice area. I definitely had my fair share of odd moments with patrons. A middle-aged man handing me a lollipop the day before Valentine’s Day and telling me “we all have to be a little naughty sometimes” was not exactly what I was prepared for…but it happened. I learned to always have my wits about me and I knew when to walk away and find security or a full-time staff member. Fortunately I was never put into a situation where I was scared, just…disturbed. Other’s were not quite as lucky. It’s unsettling, but the library taught me one of the most important lessons I will ever learn…be observant and keep your safety first.

6. Welcome new people, they’re more terrified than you think. This was especially true for me when I first started, and I was not welcomed with open arms. My first year at the library was a somewhat less than pleasant experience. A lot of the student pages power tripped a bit and chose to be rude to us newbies. That didn’t sit so well with me. I was there to do a job not join a clique. Well, when the beginning of my second year rolled around and a lot of those people left for college, I vowed I would not treat the newbies the same way I was treated. I knew how scared I was, who’s to say these people weren’t feeling the same thing? This was the year I made a lot of great friends because I welcomed them and talked to them and made them feel good about working there. In the end everyone opened up and it became a much more enjoyable work environment.


Our annual get-together. Carly, Priya, Marie and me…there are way more of us present.

7. WARNING: you will get hit on! Listen, I won’t lie that it’s flattering…unless it’s coming from someone who is clearly twice your age at which point it’s creepy. It happens at every job at some point. I’m pretty sure every female that I worked with can tell their own stories of a patron getting their library card and “checking them out.” Fortunately we learned to laugh at it most of the time. I mean how far does someone expect to get with, “Hey ladies! I like the way you push that cart!” Thank you kind stranger…thank you.

8. So…maybe don’t date that guy from work. Especially when he doesn’t seem to be very popular with the rest of your colleagues. For the record, I was rebounding HARD when this happened and I picked up on this information pretty quickly. Not an excuse of course, I should have known better. Fortunately things weren’t awkward after the fact, but they very easily could have been. I’ve learned that friendships are ok, but relationships and work probably shouldn’t mix. Especially when you’re 17 at your first job.


Me and Carly during our lovely beach day!

9. It’s not really work if you make it fun. I don’t really care what they teach you about the workplace…you need to have a laugh every now and then, it will keep you sane. I can’t tell you the amount of jokes, pranks and other various shenanigans that went on in that library. Everyone always asks me, “did you have to shush a lot of people?” Girl please, the employees were the loudest ones in there! As long as the work gets done properly and on time and you’re not hurting anyone, what’s the harm? We should be allowed to laugh, we should be allowed to dance in the aisles, we should be allowed to laugh at the Romance section and all the ridiculous titles. It’s healthy, and it makes the job actually worth doing. Trust me, I always got my work done…that doesn’t mean I didn’t have a little fun while doing it.


My last day at OPL. Erika, Tyler, Alex, Priya, me and Dylan.

10. Amazing friends can be found in the most unexpected places. This is by far the best thing I got out of that dingy, old place. I went into that job, 15 years-old, expecting nothing more than a little more cash in my pocket. I never thought it would be so hard when it came time for me to leave and say goodbye to some of the best people in the world. I give a lot of credit to my coworkers for shaping me into who I am today. They made me bolder, they made me laugh harder, they made me appreciate things I would have never looked twice at before. Carly, Dylan, Priya, Marie, Kelsey, Megan, Taylor, Grace…countless other people I’m sure I’m forgetting…thank you. I walked into that place a shy, uninteresting girl from an uninteresting town looking to save up for college. I left a confident young woman with friends that will last a lifetime. Sure I don’t see them all the time, but when I do it’s like we were never apart. It’s been three years since I’ve stopped working at OPL and I still see everyone at least once a year. It’s not a lot, but right now it’s what we can manage. I grew up in that stupid library. It’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I will never forget those three years.

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Love these dorks! Thanks for an awesome time!

Why the ‘How I Met Your Mother’ Finale Didn’t Work…and Why I’m Angry About It

Kids, I had really high hopes for the end of How I Met Your Mother. Lesson learned.

I suppose if I’d lowered my standards everything would have been a pleasant surprise. Unfortunately I only got progressively more and more angry as the finale went on. By the end, I was completely devastated. Excuse me, but I would like nine years back.


I was a huge fan of the show and one of its biggest supporters. Every time they did something that fans didn’t necessarily agree with, I always gave the benefit of the doubt. There was a reason for everything they did, everything would add up when he met the Mother. The comedy on this show was spot-on, there were virtually zero continuity errors (which I seriously applaud considering how much they jumped through the years) and yet the ending fell flat!

By the way, I’m not the only one who feels this way. After lots of reading, very few people are happy with the ending of the show. I couldn’t agree more. Having Ted and Robin end up together was a terrible choice. They were NOT Ross and Rachel, they so clearly do not belong together and the writers spent nine years showing us why that was the case.

Honestly I think they wrote themselves into a corner with the final scene with the kids. Clearly that had been taped right at the beginning so that it wouldn’t seem like the kids hadn’t aged. That was the fatal flaw. They didn’t allow room for the fans to react to the Mother, who was perfect by the way. She fit right into the cast with all her quirks and then they do her a huge disservice by giving her 15 minutes with Ted and then killing her off. All in favour of Robin.

Even Lily says that he hasn’t fallen in love like this before…but they STILL have him end up with Robin! I can respect the writers for trying to keep it realistic, life isn’t perfect, divorce and death are real, blah, blah, blah. But the idea was that he finds his perfect woman. They were destiny! They had so many ‘almost’ moments that nearly brought them together! But in the end, he wants Robin, the girl he saw in a bar. The girl he was friends with. The girl who WASN’T right for him. It kind of left me questioning Ted. I mean he clearly loved Tracy, but did his feelings for Robin ever really go away? The only thing I’ll say is that it kind of makes sense due to the fact that the show started with Ted seeing Robin. However, as the show progressed it was clear she was not the one for him. I’M SO OVER THE BLUE FRENCH HORN!

And by the way…why are the kids so thrilled that he is into Robin? I don’t care how much time has passed, that still seemed ridiculous.


And that’s just the Ted and Robin nonsense, I haven’t even gotten into the rest of it yet.

The writers spent an entire season working up to Barney and Robin’s wedding only to have them divorce 23 minutes later. DO YOU KNOW HOW INCREDIBLY DISAPPOINTING THIS IS FOR FANS!?!! The whole season dragged on and on and I was so ready for them to just get married and live happily ever after already AND THIS HAPPENS!?!?! DIVORCE!?!? What about the incredibly romantic proposal? What about how they were perfect for each other? What about all the progress Barney had made? That just gets thrown away in 23 minutes?

The character development was totally stomped on with Barney. I was so happy for him in the beginning of the episode when he announces to Tracy, “Hey I got the girl!” He was finally exactly where he was supposed to be and they ruined it. Sending him back to his man-whore ways was a mistake, the show might as well have ended three seasons ago for Barney. And having him pretend that this was what he wanted all along? No, I’m sorry, wrong.

I’ll admit Barney having a baby girl and falling in love with her was perfect. I hated that it was with a random though. 31 girls in 31 days…again, goodbye character development. The new playbook was also super unfortunate. He went through a roller coaster of ‘character development’ in one episode. One minutes he could go the distance with Robin, then he goes back to his old ways, then he becomes the over-protective father figure. The father figure was perfect…having the divorce and sending him back to being a slut was bullshit.


The show should have ended with Ted and Tracy under the umbrella. Take away the divorce and it would have been a MUCH better ending. The only characters who got the proper ending they deserved were Lily and Marshall. But honestly, I think they would have been hard to screw up.

In the end they made the mother practically irrelevant. What was the point if he was just going to end up with Robin? And WHY did he end up with Robin? Everyone knew that Robin belonged with Barney, not Ted. It’s such a shame to see a brilliant show go out this way. I hate to say it, but this is probably one of the worst finale’s I’ve ever seen.

I’ve never been so mad/disappointed at a TV show ending. I’m still slightly hoping that was just an early April Fool’s joke and the real ending is coming up next week. Well, it’s over now. Definitely sad to see the show go, just wish it went out a different way. And that kids, is ‘How I Met Your Mother.’