It’s Been a While…

Holy moly a lot has happened since I’ve fallen off the face of this blog.

My head has been spinning with all of the new developments (both good and bad). I’m not sure I know where to begin.

Well, I officially graduated college with honours (YAY!). That’s right you’re looking at a regular, bonafide adult. Holy fucking shit. It was a rough road but I somehow made it out of college relatively unscathed.

Adding to the adulthood is my new full-time job. I’m working at a tiny non-profit in Toronto called Colon Cancer Canada as the Executive Coordinator & Social Media. The title makes me sound more important than I actually am, but I’m making a salary now and I get benefits so I really can’t complain.

Of course with the good comes the bad…and no one saw this bad coming. Unfortunately, on October 15, 2014, I lost one of my favourite people in the world, my grandmother. She was sick for a while, but no one ever did figure out what was wrong. One minute she was going into rehab to get walking again, the next minute she had less than a week to live. Losing her was damn near impossible and I miss her everyday. She deserves her own blog though…I’ll talk about her another day when she can properly be remembered.

Naturally, this past Christmas was a difficult one, but it did come with some good news. As many people know, my biggest goal in life is to work in mental health and help teens and young adults understand their mental health. I can’t really do that with only a Public Relations degree though, so I started taking some new courses. Currently I take classes online through Northern College for the Child & Adolescent Mental Health certificate program. It’s a lot of work doing classes and working full time, but I’m in love with the program and incredibly excited for the future.

ALSO! I got a tattoo!! My parents hate everything about it, but I adore it. It’s a quote on my left shoulder that says ‘there’s no place like home’ with some poppies. Perfect for the OZ fan in me.

Still not dating anyone though…because I know that’s what most people seem to care about with me. Well…at least my mother does.

2 thoughts on “It’s Been a While…

  1. First, congratulations on graduating! Second, your tattoo sounds perfect. Wizard of Oz is my all time favorite movie. Last, but not least, I am so sorry for your loss. I’m glad you have so many great memories. Both my grandmothers have passed and not a day goes by without remembering who they were and how they both affected me.

    • Thank you so much for your kind words! Haha yeah OZ is my favourite too, I’m sure I’ll have another OZ themed one before the year is up! And thank you, and I’m very sorry to hear about your grandmothers as well…it’s never easy losing someone so influential in your life.

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